Connecticut friends, it’s time to prepare!


connecticutDear Connecticut Medical Marijuana Industry In Its Entirety,

You now stand on the edge of having an ability to help immensely with children that greatly need the medicines that you are capable of making. These parents and children are broken and are going to be stepping up to the industry looking for both help and compassion. This help and compassion can only be found from this Industry. And this goes out to all parties involved.

These families feel alone, they are afraid, they feel hopeless, and they feel that there is nowhere left for them to turn. These are emotions that many of them truly feel due to some of the trials and tribulations that they have had to endure overtime. These families have been faced with things like drug trials, surgeries, rehabilitation, physical therapy, regular therapy, which don’t always prove to be effective, and in a lot of cases many of these marriages end in divorce due to the pressures of having handicapped children/child.

These families should be viewed as precious and special. They need your special care, they need your experience, and they need your compassion and understanding. But most of all, they need the medicines that can only be provided to these families from within this industry.

This ultimately may not be the cure-all that everyone deep down wants and hopes it to be. It will be successful in many cases, but not all. It’s only going to work for the lucky ones. But it is the parent in the end that need to know that they tried everything within their grasps and power to help their child, everything. And giving them the opportunity to try everything available to help their children should be taken to heart, literally.

This should not be viewed as a favorable circumstance for business, but as an obligation to provide consistent and affordable medicine to these families and children that desperately need the fighting chance. If one is seeking opportunity, this would be the opportune moment to take pride in your craftsmanship and abilities to create these great medicines that I know will have the ability to help so many children. These families and children deserve that much after all they have endured. And they need the assistance of the industry to move forward in their journey.

This change to the industry will be going into effect in October. This is the time for the industry to prepare for what lies ahead of it so that a positive impact can be made on the futures of these children and families.

Now is the time,
John Watkins


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